Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Making sense of the previous lessons

Most of you would be probably wondering why out of the blue for more than five lessons I have been talking about the market and various factors that influence the market. Well the fact is that it is because of these factors that actually determine your wealth. If a person is able to make sense of all the things that are going on with the market he can easily use that information to exploit that situation and make profits.

For instance, if a person learns that the price of crude is going to increase then who should purchase crude and probably trade in crude futures. Similarly, if a person sees the price of gold declining then he should hold on to his stocks as the price of his shares is bound to rise in the near future.

Keep your eyes wide open and learn from every person. Every little rumor has the potential to make you a billionaire.

Happy Money Hunting

Udit Sabharwal { On behalf of Doodle inc}